Saturday, September 18, 2010

30 day progress pics

Okay, so I'm a total slacker... it has been almost a month since my last post! Here are my 30 day progress pics (yes, they were actually taken on day 30, it has just taken me almost a month to post them!). It is a little akward taking these pics, so please forgive the facial expressions. I promise to have a nice happy smile after the 90 days is up!!

1 comment:

  1. I am two weeks postpartum and can't wait to start p90x! You started at 5 weeks??? Dang girl! Did that feel kind of shaky?

    I've done 60 days pre-pregnancy and am curious about when a good time to start it up again is.

    How was jumping right into it at only 5 weeks??

    You look amazing by the way! Good job!

    I might start a similar blog.
